• Pharmaceutical Labels
  • Vitamin Labels
  • Nutraceutical Labels
  • Portion control sachets

Amerimax Labels provides health labels for various customers across multiple industries. Getting beautiful custom labels is easier when you have a knowledgeable label company with high quality materials and processes behind you. Depending on your health label application, you should consider permanent or removable adhesives.

We offer a variety of adhesives that can be applied to your label so it sticks for an extended period of time. Your health product label needs to communicate a lot of information to consumers whether it’s instructions, dosage, manufacturer/distributor information, multiple languages, etc. A great way to include additional statements is with booklet labels and expanded content layers allow you to provide valuable information to consumers without adding much bulk to a product’s packaging.

Labels must provide function to the product and push the consumer to interact with the package. With years of expertise in this market, Amerimax Labels can add dimension to your product and boost the packaging appeal. Our ability to print up to 14 colors allows you endless design possibilities.


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